Beavercreek Chronicles
Soft-cover Reprints are available for sale at the Beavercreek Library at $20.00 each for your very own copy.

The BEAVERCREEK CHRONICLES was published in September 1999 after a two-year effort. It is a 250-page hardback book about Beavercreek history featuring a green cover with gold embossing. The 1976 Bi-Centennial edition, BEAVERCREEK’S CHRONICLE, which features original documents, photographs, and diaries from local families are included as the first section. Genealogists will find the new surname index for both editions extremely helpful. An historical timeline of events is also a new feature in the Beavercreek Chronicles.
Summary of the Contents:

“Environmental History” tells of the establishment of the Wetlands, and “Beavercreek Lands” shows maps of all the cemeteries, which have now been locatincludes articles about more than twenty early Beavercreek families. “Grand Old Mansions” features information about the large, early brick homes so familiar to us all here. The “Houses of God” includes information about the history of the first churches in Beavercreek, many of which are still here. Transcripts of “Oral History Tapes” featuring noted citizens supply first hand information about our past. “Old Log Cabins” of Beavercreek have been identified and a special feature is a map of their existing locations as well as information about the families who lived in them. Articles about “Early Living Memories” include Business in Beavercreek Township, Butchering Day, Old Stagecoach Inn, Railroads ined. “Early Beavercreek Families” Beavercreek, Early Medicine, and the unforgettable characters and noted citizens of Beavercreek. Over 100 additional photographs have been published.
Thank you to all these sponsors who paid to have this new hardback volume printed!
Patriot Level Sponsors: Beavercreek News-Current, Prime Printing, Universal Technology Corporation
Preservationist Level Sponsors: The Yankee Peddler, Richard and Grace Durig
Pioneer Level Sponsors: Be-Am-Co, Inc.
Historian Level Sponsors: Anthony and Deborah Zaharieff, Ken Wartinger Realty, Friends of the Beavercreek Library, John and Lucille (Harshman) Stevens, Frank’s Fruit Farm, Beavercreek Soccer Association, Mitch and Brenda Cosler, Fairwood Village, Inc.
All Page Sponsors: Names are shown at the bottom of each page of the BEAVERCREEK CHRONICLES.