Historical Landmarks

Local Historical Landmarks

Plaques of historical structures and sites are given to current owners.
Click here for a list of historical designations by the City of Beavercreek.


Stage Coach Inn

Jacob Coy Homestead

1810 Stage Coach Inn
The Old Stage Coach Inn was originally located on the Old Wells Fargo Trail. It also had a livery stable with stalls for 12 to 14 horses. One of the upper rooms of the Inn was used as the first high school, as well. Classes were held there until the brick high school building was completed at the southwest corner of Dayton-Xenia and Factory Roads.
1824 Jacob Coy Homestead
Jacob Coy acquired over 3,000 acres of land in 1801 and housed five generations. The Coy’s were instrumental in clearing the land and opened Beavercreek for farming. In 1989, it was moved from Shakertown Road to Phillips Park. For info concerning the Coy Homestead call Beavercreek Township at 937-429-4472.

Daytona Mills

Tobias Zimmer House

1805 Daytona Mills
Originally established by Solomon Shoup whose father was George Shoup,a miller from Frederick, MD. The original mill was built on the south side of Little Beaver Creek. It used the water from the Little Beaver Creek for its power. It was purchased by Ben Belden in 1921 and relocated to the northside of the creek near the intersection of N. Fairfield Road and Route 35.
1859 Tobias-Zimmer House – private residence
Originally located in the “Big Woods” of Beavercreek, Peter Tobias built this house on 42 acres. He deeded 1/2 acre to Beavercreek Township schools and a one-room schoolhouse was built and used on this property until 1916. The school was built without fronting any road.

Solomon Shoup Springhouse

1810 Solomon Shoup Springhouse
The Solomon Shoup Springhouse is the only springhouse to be still standing in Beavercreek. The upper room was used as a smoke house and the lower level is where the cool spring water is continuously flowing through the trough on its way to Little Beaver Creek. The water is a constant 50 degrees.