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Past Events:
2014 and 2013 History Blooms
Free of Charge – Was held June 7, 2014 and June 8, 2013 at Wartinger Park
Was co-sponsored by the Beavercreek Historical Society (BHS) and the Greene County Master Gardeners – by lots of folks who share a love for that pretty little park tucked into the center of Beavercreek. This event provided an interesting collection of activities that showed off the park in late Spring with emphasis on how the pioneers related with the land and how they lived in their houses.
2011 Park and Herb Garden Tours

Free of Charge | Was held July 27, August 6 and August 31 at Wartinger Park
Provided by the Beavercreek Historical Society and the Flower Trail Garden Club
The Flower Trail Garden Club of Beavercreek has maintained the herb garden behind the Jarusiewic Cabin since 1976 and a garden with old roses was added in 1984 to enhance the beauty of the park.
Quilt & Rug Show
Sponsored by the Beavercreek Historical Society and the Miami Valley ATHA Rug Hooking Guild
Held Saturday, May 21, 2011, at
Displayed quilts, coverlets, hooked rugs; some new, some antiques.
Admission to show included touring the Ankeney and Harshman Houses.